
Hi everyone, today we are going to explain you how we have made a carousel with own lighting.

1 Motor with a cylindrical piece of methacrylate
2 bulbs
2 lamps-holder
3 Wires
2 batteries
I swich
Gum Eva
2 cardboard strips
3 cardboard spheres
11 straws
1 cardboard cone
1 screw
1 plug
1 paper towel tube
Any accessories (if you want)

Manufacture process:
1. Line up whith gum Eva 2 spheres, the strips, the  and the straws.
2. With a glue gun, paste one of the cardboards spheres(the one that is not lined) with a cardboard strips (the biggest) and, right in the center of this sphere, paste the motor with a piece of methacrylate and the plug.
3. In one of the other spheres make a hole.
4.Paste between two spheres (in the sides that its lined) the central column in the center to match with the hole and paste the straws too.
5. In one of the spheres (that has paste the straws make two holes for put the bulbs with the lamps holder and the make the circuit.
6. Insert the motor inside the hole and the central column and then place the ceiling and accessories
7.Now enjoy your carousel, thanks for your atention.
